Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Metal Pedal Bin
Put your pedal to the metal with our line of Galvanized Steel rock and roll inspired bins. The larger sizes are built with a very rock-star-ish shock absorber(20L & 28L). This feature allows you, the office rock star, to silently take care of your sanitation needs in absolute aural privacy. Bin any and all waste without anyone being the wiser about your habits. Your road manager will love the fact that the inner plastic bucket is anti-bacterial and comes with a carrying handle. Perhaps the biggest attraction is that your slovenly drummer will not be able to resist using the rod assembly foot pedal on these beauties when you lie to him and tell him that they were designed by RINGO STARR.
Who might use this item besides Rock-stars-
This bin can be used by Disco artists, Dee-jays, R&B, typists, office managers, housewives, children of every age, race and colour. This is a truly universal bin steadfastly welcomes use by anyone in the human race, even some animals, like that Labrador retriever who learned the command “garbage” and would take the item of refuse from his owner’s outstretched hand, walk to the bin, put a paw on the pedal and bin the refuse. He was out performing the drummer until the drummer suddenly got interested when we mentioned Richard Starkey’s stage name to him
Sizes from 253h x 170diam to 670h x 250diam, in stainless steel finish or epoxy powder coated white. Galvanized steel. Carrying handle. Rod assembly foot pedal.
Other interesting features.
If one were to equip a drummer with the full complement of these one would have an award winning video. Assembling all the bins in the office together is also a great idea for your office talent night. Shoot your own video and go viral on the internet, sales will rocket! You are the fun tax adjustors on the block! (Just buy the bins from us!) discounts on multiple purchase of the same item.

90113- 3L bin. White 90123-Stainless
Everybody’s Favorite Quadrilateral is featured in this crowd pleasing white finish. Why is the crowd so happy with what appears, at first glance, to be just another rubbish bin? The answer is in how easily customizable a white bin like this is with a handful of markers. Turn it into a fabulous creature that when you press the Pedal shows you a mouth full of jagged teeth. Do painstaking recreations of classic paintings like “Starry Night” for your office dreamers of “the Scream” for the guy who spends most of his work day forging references and sending out resumes. Some Office managers reportedly let the bins form alliances like they do on all those stupid tee-vee shows and see which alliance wins the most "binnie" awards.
Who might use this item? Anyone with a handful of refuse and the hand eye co-ordination to operate the foot pedal in concert with their hands is a candidate to use this bin. Anarchists may decide to make a political statement by not using the pedal, but 93% of the human race understands the relevant technology and necessity for using bins in the workplace.

Sensitive Bin
The double-0-seven of “Her Majesty's Binning Service” (H.M.B.S.) this extremely spy- friendly wonder automatically opens and closes via infrared technology. This bin is also perfect for the sloppy cook who is too un-coordinated to use traditional pedal bins but still yearns for cookie batter free outer trashcans.
Who might use such a bin, besides spies?
The sensitive nature of a bin like this demands that I check your clearances before I discuss further with you, the internet, what kind of sensitivities this bin is cleared to handle. Let’s for now speak in the generalities so that we don’t give away any H.M.B.S. ultra top secrets.


Round Pedal Bin
Mick Jagger's Favorite bin and my favorite bin to sing about at a Karoke night
( To the tune of "Brown Sugar.")
“round pedal, how come you trash so good?”
“round pedal, just like a trash bin should."
Who might use this bin- People who typically generate small amounts of refuse would use the smallr sizes, which hold 3 litres. People with larger amounts of daily refuse generation would obviously use the larger sizes, depending on space considerations, staffing levels, and whether the trash can is by the smoking area, in which case you will have no shortage of volunteers to go smoke a fag while they take out the rubbish.
Hands free operation due to “step to open” lid/pedal combination.
Polypropylene plastic. Inner Bucket with handle. Sizes range from 3-40 Litres.
Larger sizes-
91976- holds 6 litres of waste
91979 40
Anything else interesting about this item?
This item is about as interesting as a round white plastic trash bin can be and they are thinking seriously about filming a movie about the excitement that comes along with the official designation of temporary sanitational storage receptacle. Tom Hanks is rumored to be the voice of the trashcan.

Monday, December 7, 2015

We are seeking an experienced copywriter to create original product descriptions for men's and women's apparel that fit in with the style of our current product descriptions. The first batch will be 20 products. Descriptions are between 30-100 words.

This is what they got.....

check  out what  happened when someone tried to make me write ordinary copy....

what they got was the J PETERMAN catalog ON CRACK

Here is my idea....

Let me go ROGUE on your  catalog....

I will create an artistic vision FOR YOU
inspired by deadline pressure and hyper caffeinationSend me your first batch.
You will get ART back.
The rest is a marketing legend  in the making.

What would happen if you hired hired a genius, BEFORE HE SOLD OUT.

You can then try to "Make my copy more __________" friendly in a series of emails that will become part of the literary legend....You must have a WEISENHEIMER in your office....

Someone to manage me who doesn't get me....Or a complete fictive office somebody who is very efficient with the numbers and whatnot, keeps your office running, etc.... the kind of person that always winds up HATING the fact that I ENJOY MY WORK!

There's one at every job...."He's having too much fun, I will put a stop to this!"